My first show

Its been a few weeks since anything big has happened radio wise, but this week I had my first live radio show as a presenter, the show was about community radio drama. As this was my first show as well as for some of the other group we were unsure how it would go but overall with a lot of help from Zara and Dylan our tutors, the show turned out to be one of the best. We had a lot of problems which we were unaware of as inexperienced radio producers such as the script. The script needed changes in order for it to flow and to keep the audience interested, the original script we had written was simply not good enough and not captivating enough.


Another issue we had was the audio that was edited, it was poorly edited and was not ready for broadcast so therefore this needed changing urgently in order for the show to piece together nicely. Overall I thought the show went very well despite the issues we had. At first we struggled with content as we did not know a lot about community radio drama as well as possible interviewees, after a few group meetings we decided on who we were going to interview. The guests we had on the show were Conan Lawrence, Michael Hortin, Rose Braisby and live in the studio  Kate Chapman, who currently works at Radio 4 directing and producing radio dramas.Show2Show3

I thought as a first for the group with regards to a live radio show we produced a strong show and some engaging interviews and discussions throughout, for future shows I think as a group we need to be a lot more prepared and to make sure we get audio properly edited, for myself I think i need to be more confident when presenting as well as engage more.

In the next few shows I will be presenting as well as taking part in other roles such as multi platform, and I also have a radio drama to start working on so it will be a busy few weeks.


Here is the running order for the show. Running order_lmyeweek7

Evidence of meetings. – Evidence of meeting.

With regards to the individual feedback after the show, I was told to relax more when presenting as well as to create more of a discussion, after receiving the feedback I went away and tried practising presenting as well as creating discussions amongst friends in order to improve my skills for the next show.

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