First Post

Welcome to my blog, where I shall be discussing my productions in progress on a weekly basis as well as upcoming projects such as the Lend me your ears weekly shows and my involvement throughout, radio drama’s and radio documentaries. Ill be posting about how I am finding the radio experience and whether or not I would like to carry it on in the future and whether it could help with my career.

So here’s a little bit about myself, I am currently in my second year of university here at Lincoln studying media production more specifically Radio and sound and Film production. Although studying radio I hope to go into the film industry as this is where I feel strongest as a career, I want to bring something new to the  film industry and engage audiences as well as inspire them.

That’s it really about me, I will be posting everytime something new comes up, the next post will probably be about my first live show for Lend me your ears and talking about my radio journey.